These are the changes made for next patch.
* Icy Touch: This ability now causes a very high amount of threat while the death knight is in Frost Presence.
* Rune of Razorice: Now stacks 5 stacks of 2% Frost Vulnerability instead of 10 stacks of 1% Frost Vulnerability. Proc chance changed to 100%.
* Abomination's Might: This effect is now passive instead of being a proc on certain strikes. Rank 1 is 5% attack power and Rank 2 is 10% attack power. The self strength buff remains unchanged.
* Will of the Necropolis: There is no longer a cooldown on the frequency at which this talent can be activated. In addition, this ability can now also be triggered by damage which deals less than 5% of your health.
* Endless Winter: No longer causes Frost Fever to be applied by Chains of Ice, but instead grants 2/4% strength. The previous functionality of this talent can now be attained via the Glyph of Chains of Ice.
* Improved Icy Talons: This effect is now passive instead of being a proc. The self haste buff remains unchanged.
* Nerves of Cold Steel: Now increases off-hand damage by 8/16/25%, up from 5/10/15%.
* Unbreakable Armor: The amount of strength granted is now 20%, up from 10%.
* Scourge Strike: Now deals 70% weapon damage, plus 12% of physical damage done as shadow damage for each of the death knight's diseases on the target. The net result should be larger strikes with no diseases present, while maximum damage with all diseases applied to the target should stay the same.
* Glyph of Chains of Ice: Now causes Chains of Ice to apply Frost Fever instead of dealing damage.
* Glyph of Disease: When this glyph causes Frost Fever to be refreshed, it will now also trigger a refresh of Icy Talons.
Offical Cataclysm Shaman Class Preview
14 years ago
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